Monday, September 20, 2010

Science in our home and neighborhood

When thinking about what living organisms are around my home I immediately thought about my mom's rosemary bush that is placed next to our front door.  Everyone who walks in and out can see it and smell it.  Although you may see it, one may not always think about it being a living organism. 

In our neighborhood we have a park where I found this pretty purple flower almost hidden by weeds.  Someone may have not noticed it if they weren't looking  for it.  Nevertheless, it is a living organism that needs food and sunlight to survive. 

As you pull into our driveway, this tree is most likely going to be one of the first things you see.  A huge sycamore tree towers over our house.  This is going to be obvious and you won't miss it, but I do love this tree!  It provides great shade to the harsh sunlight that beats down.  Trees are everywhere, but you may not always think of them as living organisms. 

 At the park where I found the purple flower, I also caught this bird.  He didn't really want me to take his picture, but I caught him just as he was trying to run away!!!

In our neighborhood we also have a duck pond.  These little guys loved getting their pictures getting taken!!!  It's not everyday that children are able to see ducks!!!! 

Lastly, but not least is my cat, Krystal.  She is the only intentional living organism that lives in my house!!!

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