Sunday, September 12, 2010

Project Wild

This is Dominique and I as we first arrived at Project Wild waiting for everyting to start!!!  I wasn't exactly sure what to expect because of all the rain, and the fact that it wasn't slowing down at all.  However, I was still pumped about this new experience and learning something new that I can implement into my classroom one day. 

Unfortunately due to Tropical Storm Hermine, we were not able to take our nature hike on the trails, so we took a "hike" through the wonderful books that were given to us. After we "hiked" through our books we got to play an ice breaker activity. We played BINGO and the object of this game was to have a blackout on the entire card. We had to get up and walk around to meet new people who fit the scenarios that were on our BINGO card. Kristin was the lucky winner at our table who found someone for each square! She won a neat poster that she can hang in her classroom!

We had many group projects that involved our new Project Wild and Growing up Wild books.  This particular one was a venn diagram of animals that are inside or outside of a classroom (or both).  It was our task to put each animal in the appropriate circle as a group.  There were many controversial animals that were questioned as to if they were inside or outside, but we went with majority rule!

After lunch, we were assigned groups as to which we were going to have to present a lesson plan from one of the books, either Project Wild, or Growing up Wild.  Our lesson came from Growing up Wild and was called Aqua Charades, which was very appropriate for the weather that day.  As a group we had to brainstorm how exactly to present it to our "class" (i.e. the audience).  We went up singing a song about water, and then asking "students" to act out what we use water for.  It was fun for everyone!!! 

Sadly, we had to cut our day short because Hermine wasn't going to wait for us to finish!!!! :(

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